Monday, September 1, 2014

Tuesday Night = Poetry Night!

Going With The Wind

Always going with the wind,
When I long to go against it. 
Afraid of being independent,
When I want my freedom transcended.

Afraid that I will only be but a shadow of the woman of bodily flesh,
Moving through life with no finesse.
Scared that I won’t reach my potential,
My potential suppressed.
But Suppressed only by my own prudence and unrest.

I want to rise like the sun,
And glow like the moon. 
I want to be as precious as a daughter or son,
And embrace the aroma of perfume
Because time goes too soon.

But I am trapped by my insecurities
That keep me locked in
When I’d rather move freely, and swiftly like the wind.
However, my confusion, anxiety has deepened
And I long for more human interaction,
Which is not made possible because my personality had been stipend
By myself. But it is rooted in the actions of somebody else.

But I still blame myself, for my weakness,
For my meekness,
For my personality and its’ bleakness.

I suppressed my flames, my fire,
To be like someone that I admired,
When they were really scum.
So I have wasted my years and lost my personality,
Now to live life with fear of judgments.
Oh how I do resent
All of my past and the present.

To live life with no grit!
Where is all of my wit!!
It’s like I threw it all in the pit and just abandoned it, treated it like shit!
Now so indecisive like the weather
And derisive like a panther.

Unhappiness consuming my being,
My personality, like an orange is pealing.
When I just want to soar in the sky
Feel the wind in my face,
Be sweet like pie
Enjoy every single taste
Feel the sun on my skin
Have my soul deepen
And not be afraid to live again. 

-L. Marie

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