Sunday, September 14, 2014

Using Newton's 3rd Law to Get the Results You Want

  • Newton’s Law of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  • Karma: What goes around comes back around.
  • Swami Vivekananda: “We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. The wind is blowing; those vessels whose sails are unfurled catch it, and go forward on their way, but those which have their sails furled do not catch the wind. Is that the fault of the wind?....... We make our own destiny.”
Here are three findings that, although said in different ways, have the same meaning. This is why we must spread love, generosity and life in what we think, say and do instead of spreading hate, greed and death. If you love others, you will be loved in return; if you hate others, you will be hated in return. If you give unsparingly to others, you will be rich; If you are selfish and take from others, you will be unfulfilled. If you speak life unto others, you will have lived a great life; if you influence death unto others, along with them you will die, too.

It all comes down to our thoughts, our feelings and our words. If you watched the video, there are specific representations of this subject: the boy represents us as humans, how we throw the ball to the ground represents our feelings, the actual action of the ball being thrown represents our actions, the response of the ground represents our world and how the ball comes back to us represents our results. For example, if you think about throwing the ball hard, you’ll get a pang of adrenaline and then you’ll throw the ball hard to the ground; when the ball hits the ground, the earth will respond by throwing the ball back to you just as hard.  

More specifically, having certain thoughts elicits certain feelings, and these feelings influence our actions, and our actions influence the results we have in our lives. A negative thought ultimately leads to negative results. If I spread negativity into the world, then I am going to experience the same negativity. Likewise, if I think, feel and act with negativity, I will also attract negativity. The same goes for positivity. So, if you have been unable to create the positive results or outcomes in your business, in your relationships or in your life, then check your feelings and then check your thoughts that provoke these feelings. If you are aware of how you think, you can change yourself and change your results for the better.

However, even when we are aware of how we think about things, sometimes it is difficult to change our thoughts. This is where the power of words comes into play. We have the ability to speak things into existence. Have you ever heard that life and death is in the tongue? Well this is true! Speak and generate positivity into the world and it will come back to you!  If you do this emphatically, and if you do this daily throughout your day, your thoughts will begin to change towards the positive, and so will your feelings, your actions and your results. 

If you are struggling to lead the life you love, it is still possible to turn your results around!
Your results are a direct reflection of your thoughts. Change your thoughts, and you can change your life. :-)

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