Monday, September 8, 2014

"Risk Being Seen In All of Your Glory"


This was such an amazing and empowering speech! 

Don’t choose your pathway out of fear! Choose your pathway out of faith, belief and love! As Jim Carrey states, “Risk being seen in all of your glory,” do not sell yourself short or try to dim your dreams or ambitions from the world. Napolean Hill author of Think and Grow Rich said it best, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve.” So dare to dream big because you are powerful. You are the creator of your life and well-being; it is all in your mindset. Remember that where the focus goes energy flows, and that all of the empires of the world were first created in the minds of men. If you have a vision and steadfastly focus on that vision, and thus act with enduring vigor and passion, you can achieve anything you want in this lifetime. The resources you need to succeed are already in existence, you just have to recognize them and find a way to utilize them. It is the lack of knowledge and awareness that compels man to believe that it is not possible that he can achieve greatness. It is always possible!

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