Sunday, October 5, 2014

Gratitude --> Success

Being content and happy goes a long way. Many of us have big dreams, goals and aspirations to fulfill. We have many desires that we focus on and continually think about. That is just how we are as people and as entrepreneurs. However, you must take caution in what you think about and how you think about things. It has been said that you become and you get what you think about most… so if you always think about success, if you always think about your goals and aspirations, then in some way and some day through your efforts they will manifest. As an entrepreneur you must always hold onto your vision, which should fuel your actions. This is very, very true.

However, a lot of the times when we think about our goals and desires we get discouraged, we may feel anxiety or we may feel outright negative because we haven’t achieved them yet. This feeling of negativity will negate your success. Remember that what you think dictates how you feel and how you feel dictates your actions, which dictates your results. So if you have a negative feeling about what you want but don’t have, then you may never acquire these desires. It is great to take action, but if your thoughts and your feelings are not in a positive place about what you want, then you may never achieve what you want.

So, the question then is, how do we stay positive when focusing on our desires? The answer is, don’t always focus on your desires. Focus on what you do have that makes you happy. So many of us when we think about or write our goals and desires focus on what we don’t have, and we never focus on what we do have. This leads to dangerous territory because this leads you out of the state of gratitude. Gratitude is the most important state to be in, in life. Gratitude leads to happiness, and with gratitude, you will receive positive outcomes. So for everything that you desire, you should think of something that you desire that you already have. For example, in the future I want my own family, but I also am so thankful for the friends and family I have today; I desire a great and loving relationship with my friends and with my parents, and I have this!! With gratitude you operate on a higher and more positive frequency, and that is what you attract.

We attract who and what we are, which is determined by how we think. So in order to attract what we desire, we must acknowledge and be thankful for what we already have. We must operate in a state of gratitude and happiness. Because good only comes to those who are good, and people are only good if they foster positive thoughts, feelings and actions. Now when you add love and passion for what you do, you will be unstoppable, for to be in a state of love, passion and gratitude is the ultimate human experience that brightens our existence. Try it.

Instead of fretting about what you don’t have, appreciate what you do have. Operate in a state of happiness and gratitude and see how far you get in achieving your desires!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Life-Changing Advice: The Key to Manifestion

I found this blog called My Law of Attraction, and on it there was a transcript of Abraham Hicks (who is an expert on the laws of attraction) speaking with a client about her vibration. This was so enlightening that I wanted to re-post and share with you all! Enjoy!

Be Determined About Your Vibration

A MUST read for anyone wanting to manifest something specific. 

GUEST: Hi. Thank you for having me. I have one question that has two parts I believe.

ABRAHAM: We have one answer that has infinite parts. […laughter…]

GUEST: Okay. Well, here it is. I heard a CD of a seminar recently of Abraham, and my understanding was that… the person wanted something really a lot or quite badly… and what was said was, “You’re determined too much,” which was not good. So, my question is: What is the difference between being determined and being focused? Because there is something that I want, and I’ve already had it, and I want it again, and I’m very determined about it. And so, am I too determined?

ABRAHAM: Well, we like the word determined actually. We like what it means. Determined and focused… we can see meaning the same thing. But sometimes when we’re visiting with someone… sort of it’s about the conversation that we began with earlier about inspiration and motivation. When you are efforting… that always means you haven’t done the vibrational work, and you’re trying to compensate for not having done the vibrational work… with effort. And it never works out very well because you’re bucking your own current.

It’s like not believing that it’s gonna happen, but willing to work really hard to try and make it happen. “I’m determined that this is gonna happen.” And when you’ve got your fists clenched, and you are efforting, that’s a really good indication that you’re wobbling, and that you’re attracting in opposition to what you want, and you’re trying to fix it through words or action.

So, that’s why we’re teaching just chill out, be general.
Be determined to feel good.
Be determined to be happy.
Be determined to be easy about it.
Be determined to do the vibrational work.
Be determined to practice the art of allowing.
Be determined to allow it to flow to you.
Be determined to know that it’s there.
Be determined to expect that it will come.
Be determined to rendezvous with things at the right time.

In other words, let your focus and your determination be about your vibration for a little while, rather than your action. And, that’s the only distinction that we ever make. We don’t think that you can be too focused, unless you’re focused upon what you don’t want. Every subject is two subjects: wanted on one end of the stick and absence of it on the other. And sometimes, you’ve really got a vibration going about the absence of it, and you think you’ve got a vibration going about the presence of it.
So, you’re just trying, trying, trying, trying, trying, and it doesn’t move because you’re in a different vibrational place than you recognize because of the effort that you are applying. If it’s not coming easily, you’re not on the path of least resistance. If it’s not coming easily, it’s not coming. If it’s not coming easily, it’s not coming. Not what you really want. A diminished piece of it might be coming, but what you really want isn’t coming unless it’s coming easily. Strong words, and we mean it.

GUEST: So, what I’m talking about, you’re saying is not in my Vortex?

ABRAHAM: No, it’s in your Vortex.

GUEST: Could I possibly… since I’ve done it before…

ABRAHAM: Even if you’ve never done it before it’s still possible.

GUEST: Okay.

ABRAHAM: Having done it before has nothing to do with something coming. Just lining up with it is all that’s necessary. There’s all kinds of things that you’ve not yet accomplished that are coming.

GUEST: Okay, well… could I possibly be, um, since I had this always before I moved to this certain city where I live now, is it possible that I am not located in the right place? And personally I don’t believe that…

ABRAHAM: No. No. But it’s possible for you to think that and block it.

GUEST: Right.

ABRAHAM: Whatever you want can come to you wherever you are. Location means nothing. Vibration goes everywhere.

Whatever you want it coming to you. Your beginning question was really a good question because that is the thing that gets in the way of so many people. They get fixated on something. They get determined about something. And they just try, try, try, try, try… And they don’t realize that they’re all balled up vibrationally, and so their effort doesn’t yield them anything. And that’s what makes you get discouraged. It makes you not believe in your worthiness. It’s what makes you give up on things, you see?

And so, we’re wanting to re-orient you, all of you, and make you realize that if you’re trying, and if you have been trying, it’s a really good indication that you’ve got a vibration going that you’re trying to overcome, but you’re not really overcoming it. You’ve gotta be wobble-free. So, that’s why we’re just encouraging you to start in a more general place, and let new inspiration come to you about how to behave and what to do. Let the new inspiration carry you.

Because determination is often, “I’ve got this plan, and it’s worked for me before, and this is a plan that a lot of people have used, and it has these steps, and I will do these things,” but it doesn’t take into account the vibration that you’ve got going on that is keeping any of those steps from being effective for you. So, that’s why the conversation that we had earlier about motivating yourself to the effort and to the steps and to the things that you’ve done before is not the best plan.

Just chilling out, and going more general, and feeling softer about it, and easier about it, and more general about it, and more expectant about it, and more hopeful about it. If you could reach the place – and we so want you to hear this, and we’re gonna choose these words specifically for you – if you can reach the place where you can joyfully live with the absence of what you want to manifest because the presence of the idea of it is so delicious, then the presence of it must come to you, and will quickly. But if the manifestation of it means so much that it’s agonizing in the absence of it, then you can’t get there from there.

So, that sort of freaks our physical friends out. They say, “Oh, we get it Abraham, so what you’re saying is: If I don’t want what I want, then I can get what I want.” And we say, “Well, it’s sorta kinda like that,” but it’s not ‘don’t want what you want’ because you can never stop wanting what you want. The desire is not gonna go away.

But you can find ways of allowing what you want to flow to you. And these ways are by being more general about it, by being more patient about it, by being easier about it, by not being so urgent about it, by not trying so hard, by not making it such a big hairy deal. Because, what you want isn’t what you think you want, it’s the journey to it that you really want. And you all think you want the short cut to what you want… but it isn’t BEING there, it’s GOING there. It’s the process of going there that is the whole reason that you even want what you think you want.

GUEST: Does Abraham think I am agonizing over this?

ABRAHAM: We think agonizing is too strong of a word. We think that you are efforting, and we think that you are in your own way, and we think that you are figuring out how to get out of your own way. And that it’s going to be so fun to figure out how to get out of your own way about this because, when you figure out how to get out of your own way about this, you’ll figure out how to get out of your own way about everything, and then you will be the truly unlimited being that you know that you are.

GUEST: Great. How do I get out of my own way? […laughter…] I really want to know that. I do. Because, when I think about this – I think you already know this Abraham – I think about it… I mean correct me if you think I’m wrong… I am… My cells divide with joy. I live in this in my head all the time. I love it.

ABRAHAM: Well, maintain that vibration and it must be. When you feel like that, you’re on the right track. Feeling like that…

GUEST: Am I on the right track?

ABRAHAM: Well, sometimes you’re there and sometimes you’re not. And when you are there, you’re on the right track, and when you’re not, you’re not.

GUEST: Okay, so… if I’m having weeks or a day or an hour where I’m… not feeling so great about something, does that throw the other thing out as well?

ABRAHAM: It doesn’t throw it out, but here’s the thing… You’re practicing your frequencies, so the more airtime you give to things that feel good, the better off you are. So now, here’s a piece. You’re really gonna like this. All of you are really gonna like this. You are better off in terms of getting to where you want to be if you are general and feeling good, than if you are specific and feeling bad. You are better off getting to where you want to be if you are feeling good and specific, than if you are feeling good and general. You’ve gotta figure out if you’re feeling good or you’re feeling bad before you let momentum build. And that’s the key to real deliberate creating.
Because a lot you feel like, “Well, if I just try harder, if I just turn up the juice, if I just make it go stronger… that’s the path.” And we say, “It might be and it might not be, but make sure that you’re in the vibration that you want to be in before you get more specific.” You see? You do see! Thar was very clear. So, now we’re gonna say that again. You’re better off in terms of getting to where you want to be by feeling good, than by feeling bad. That’s easy to understand. You’re better off in getting to where you want to be by feeling good and general, than by feeling bad and being specific.

GUEST: So, when I’m general and feeling good, then this will come?

ABRAHAM: When you’re general and feeling good, and maintaining it, then you’re gonna be a little more specific and feeling good, and then you’re gonna be a little more specific and feeling good, and then you’re gonna be a little more specific and feeling good, and then you’re gonna be more specific and feeling good, and – as long as the feeling good part is still in there – then it’s gonna come. It’s already come in general terms. It’s the specific terms you want, yes? Didn’t we just now have another conversation about moving it from vibration into manifestation? General to specific is the same conversation of moving it from vibration into demonstrated see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it. First time. Good discussion.

GUEST: Do you see me being able to do this easily? Do you evaluate me? I want to do this. So I want to know.

ABRAHAM: We don’t evaluate you. We know it is done, and we are eager for you to know it.

GUEST: Okay.

ABRAHAM: Not because we want you to get it – but you will – but because, when you know it, then you’re in alignment with Who-You-Really-Are. Yeah. Yeah. Really good.

GUEST: Okay, thank you.

Transcript by Esmée La Fleur

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Using Newton's 3rd Law to Get the Results You Want

  • Newton’s Law of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  • Karma: What goes around comes back around.
  • Swami Vivekananda: “We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. The wind is blowing; those vessels whose sails are unfurled catch it, and go forward on their way, but those which have their sails furled do not catch the wind. Is that the fault of the wind?....... We make our own destiny.”
Here are three findings that, although said in different ways, have the same meaning. This is why we must spread love, generosity and life in what we think, say and do instead of spreading hate, greed and death. If you love others, you will be loved in return; if you hate others, you will be hated in return. If you give unsparingly to others, you will be rich; If you are selfish and take from others, you will be unfulfilled. If you speak life unto others, you will have lived a great life; if you influence death unto others, along with them you will die, too.

It all comes down to our thoughts, our feelings and our words. If you watched the video, there are specific representations of this subject: the boy represents us as humans, how we throw the ball to the ground represents our feelings, the actual action of the ball being thrown represents our actions, the response of the ground represents our world and how the ball comes back to us represents our results. For example, if you think about throwing the ball hard, you’ll get a pang of adrenaline and then you’ll throw the ball hard to the ground; when the ball hits the ground, the earth will respond by throwing the ball back to you just as hard.  

More specifically, having certain thoughts elicits certain feelings, and these feelings influence our actions, and our actions influence the results we have in our lives. A negative thought ultimately leads to negative results. If I spread negativity into the world, then I am going to experience the same negativity. Likewise, if I think, feel and act with negativity, I will also attract negativity. The same goes for positivity. So, if you have been unable to create the positive results or outcomes in your business, in your relationships or in your life, then check your feelings and then check your thoughts that provoke these feelings. If you are aware of how you think, you can change yourself and change your results for the better.

However, even when we are aware of how we think about things, sometimes it is difficult to change our thoughts. This is where the power of words comes into play. We have the ability to speak things into existence. Have you ever heard that life and death is in the tongue? Well this is true! Speak and generate positivity into the world and it will come back to you!  If you do this emphatically, and if you do this daily throughout your day, your thoughts will begin to change towards the positive, and so will your feelings, your actions and your results. 

If you are struggling to lead the life you love, it is still possible to turn your results around!
Your results are a direct reflection of your thoughts. Change your thoughts, and you can change your life. :-)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Art of Mindfulness

“Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply in every moment of daily life. To be mindful is to be truly alive, present and at one with those around you and with what you are doing.”

In other words, mindfulness is the ability to focus. With all of today’s technology, our ability to focus has been quickly diminishing. Instead of looking people in the eye and giving them our full attention, we are on our cellphones or on our tablets. Instead of paying attention in class or at work, our minds are often elsewhere. We are missing out on the simple beauty of human connection. How does this affect our lives and our state of being?

Well, research has found that the ability to focus also dictates our ability to control our emotional state. It has been found that people who have a greater ability to focus, and those who consciously focus are actually happier. This is because through focusing, these people are able to block out emotional turbulence for the time being, which means they have more control over their emotions. They are also less likely to become depressed. On the other hand, people who day dream often and have trouble focusing are typically unhappy; they are often thinking of their feelings, past incidences, or even the future. Not being present in the moment causes people to be dissatisfied with their work, with their lives and with themselves. This is because people who lack the control to focus have trouble dealing with their emotions and lack the ability to fully control them.

Building up the ability to focus is like building your brain muscles. It takes a little bit of work. Now, I am not saying that focusing means not wandering off with our thought and feelings, because this is inevitable. But really strengthening this ability means being able to bring yourself back; bring your attention back from your day dream, bring your attention back from what happened last night, bring your attention back from how you are feeling. Bring your attention back to the present moment. This is building your ability to focus.  

I believe that really focusing and being mindful of the present moment can lead to a happier and more fulfilled life. One of the easiest and greatest gifts we can give our loved ones is our attention, and attention is also one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. We all seek attention, so it is also up to us to give it. Not only this, but us giving our full attention to even the little things uplifts our state of being; we become more grateful and appreciative of the people in our lives and of the life around us, and we are more attentive to our work and thus achieve more. So many people in this world just want to be fulfilled and happy… Practicing the art of mindfulness is definitely an important step in this journey!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

"Risk Being Seen In All of Your Glory"


This was such an amazing and empowering speech! 

Don’t choose your pathway out of fear! Choose your pathway out of faith, belief and love! As Jim Carrey states, “Risk being seen in all of your glory,” do not sell yourself short or try to dim your dreams or ambitions from the world. Napolean Hill author of Think and Grow Rich said it best, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve.” So dare to dream big because you are powerful. You are the creator of your life and well-being; it is all in your mindset. Remember that where the focus goes energy flows, and that all of the empires of the world were first created in the minds of men. If you have a vision and steadfastly focus on that vision, and thus act with enduring vigor and passion, you can achieve anything you want in this lifetime. The resources you need to succeed are already in existence, you just have to recognize them and find a way to utilize them. It is the lack of knowledge and awareness that compels man to believe that it is not possible that he can achieve greatness. It is always possible!

Dreams = Soul on Fire!

Have the Courage to Turn Your Dreams into a Reality

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tips on How to Have a Positive and Productive Day

Do you often find yourself in a negative state of mind throughout the week or throughout your day? Are you slow to start specific tasks? Do you lack energy and motivation? If so, then you are not alone. Many of us as people feel this way whether it is most days or every now and then. Either way, there is a solution!! It really all starts in the morning or whenever you get out of bed. Do you slowly get out of bed or do you jump out of bed? Do you start out your day thinking of the negatives or thinking of the positives that the day will bring? 

Here is a list of practices that will help you change your state of mind, and develop a higher frequency of energy and happiness in your daily life.

  1.  From the Sheets to the Streets: How you get out of bed will determine how you attack the day. Get out of bed slowly… you will start your tasks slowly and with low energy. If you jump out of bed quickly with vigor, then that’s how you will attack the rest of the day, with energy!! It is important to set your state of mind up for the day!!
  2. Powerful Incantations: It is important to get yourself pumped up! Remember in my last post where I talked about how words have power. Public speaker, Jim Rohn said it best, “Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.”
  3. Declare it; Say it Loud, Say it Proud! With that being said, you must first decide how you want to feel and how you want your day to go. Then you must declare this. AND SAY IT LOUD! Look in the mirror and say your positive declarations over and over again! Get yourself ready and pumped up! Yell it, scream it and shout it! 
  4.  Inertia: Now, that is just the first step. Yes, there is more!! As motivational speaker Tony Robins explains, motion breads emotion! So, as you are emphatically saying your declarations maybe jog in place or jog around your room, or do some jumping jacks. Get yourself moving, pumped up and energized, and then you will get yourself emotionalized!! Motion gets us emotionalized and the more positive, encouraging emotions you have towards a task (which exercising gives us through releasing endorphins that contribute to the feeling of well-being), the more likely you will be motivated to complete a task. 
  5. Repetition is Key: Throughout day say your declarations! “Today is a beautiful day,” “Today I will be productive,” Today will be a great day.” There are many occurrences that can take place during the day to throw us off of our productive and happy trail. This is why it is important to constantly arm ourselves with reminders of why and how today is a great day. Repetition is always elemental! We must ingrain our goals and declarations in ourselves to make them last!

Remember that everything you think, feel and do is within your control. If you want to be happy, be happy on purpose. If you want to be productive, then be productive on purpose. We hold the paint brush of our lives in our hands. In order to feel good, do good, live good and be good, we must paint our lives with purpose to do so. You are in control. It is not the external factors that affect your mood, it is the internal factors (how you respond).

These are some basic tips I have learned that I hope will prove to be useful for everyone! Feel free to comment below if you all have more suggestions!